Sample Application

Application Form

On this webpage you will find the application form for the MacREU program. To fill out this form, you must send an email to from your school/college email account in order to receive a unique link to this page; you must use your unique link so that we can properly track your application.

You can save your work on the application any time and return to your saved application by clicking on the same unique link. Once you are done, check the 'Application Complete' box in the bottom and save once more. Once you do that, your application cannot be edited/viewed anymore and you will be considered for admission to the MacREU program.

Be sure to complete the three statement fields at the bottom of the application form. Please write your three essays in a word processor and copy/paste them in here. Your three essays will be important in the selection process so be sure to write these as well as you can. Applicants who do not fill out any of the three essays will be ineligible for the program.

When you sent an email to, you should have received separate links to send to your letter writers. Please forward these to the professors who you want to write letters for you, and be sure to give them ample time to write their letter before the deadline.

Please note: We will protect the privacy of your application. We recommend that you do not share your unique application link with anyone as your application data is available to anyone who has access to the link. We will share your application only with one or more faculty/administrators of your college and possibly related colleges so that they may assist us in ranking the applicants. We also will use the information you provide in your application for research on effectiveness of this program and for reporting to donors/funding agencies.


Date of Birth 




  • If Other, please detail in the first statement.
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  • Tell us about yourself. Please describe your current studies, recent research experiences (if applicable) and recent jobs or current employment. Are you active in any student organization? Do you work outside of school, or engage in extracurricular activities? Any leadership experience?
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    How did you get to where you are now? Tell us about your background, upbringing and the path you took to the present. Have you overcome obstacles along the way?
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    What are your goals and aspirations? How can this research program help you in achieving them? One part of this program will be recruitment of next year's students and raising awareness for STEM studies at your location. Can you think of ways you can help (after completion of the program) ? 
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